Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sullivan University is on the NUMBER 1 TEAM!

Chef Dodd has been so nice to me and Livvy!  My mom called him to ask his advice on how I should work on Abbey's (our sister's) wedding cake and he said that we could come to Sullivan University and make her cake there!  About 4 or 5 weeks ago we went and met with Chef Richardson, Chef Lamb and Chef Dodd to let Abbey show us what she wants for her cake.

Yesterday, Livvy and I went to Sullivan and started making the cake.  It was so fun to be at Sullivan!  I really want to go there when I grow up!  There were so many cool things to work with and they showed us some great tricks of how to make our cakes better!  

The oven at Sullivan is the coolest oven!  It has 6 racks that rotate around.  I really loved using it!  The cakes came out perfect!

Today we got to frost the cakes, put the fondant on and then we started the process of stenciling.  The humidity was really high today so we are going to work on that more tomorrow.  One of the most amazing things about today was that WAVE 3 News was there and they filmed us working with the chefs!  This will be on tonight at 6pm.  We will try to put up the news clip when it is available.  We are so grateful that the Lord is giving us so many wonderful opportunities to tell people about the project!  We are also so grateful to Chef Dodd at Sullivan for giving us this privilege of working on the cake there!